31 Penis Exercises Any Exercising Program MUST Have – These Routines Can Add 1-4″ In 8 Weeks


Do you want to add 1-4 inches to your penis size in 8 weeks? Do you want this to happen without side-effects, without embarrassing tools, without embarrassing packages to receive in the mail, and without losing your new size? Well, the only enlargement option out there today that can make all of those things happen collectively are natural penis exercises. When choosing to do penis exercises, it’s important that the program you choose contains the best exercises packaged in a strategic way that is sure to naturally expand EVERY ASPECT of your manhood. In this article I’m going to talk about what those exercises are (around 31 to be exact) that are contained in the program I used which helped me add 2 inches to my size in less than 2 months (and many other men gained even better results than I did).

What All Programs Must Have In The Beginning…

Okay, first things first. Any exercising program must contain the following…

A.) Pre-Workout – Tips on what you need to do prior to beginning an exercising program. These tips can make the world of a difference.

B.) Safety Precautions – Of course, every program should include information on how to ensure you stay safe while doing these routines. Although all of the exercises are safe and do not cause any side-effect, doing them while ignoring safety precautions can in fact cause problems.

What The Exercises Are Based On…

In all reputable penis exercise programs, you’ll find that the programs are all based on the following 6 principles…

A.) Warm-up – This is to ensure you don’t suffer from any soreness and it will also ensure proper and consistent development of your penis size.

B.) The PC Muscle Exercises – These types of exercises are designed to strengthen the pubococcygeuse muscle (PC muscle for short). Strengthening this muscle will make you last longer during sex, it will make your orgasms explosive, it will make your penis look more muscular looking, improves the health of your prostate, helps you stay harder for longer, and more. Clearly, any program or any other enlargement method (such as pills, pumps, and extenders) that do not strengthen the PC muscle is absolutely pointless! The benefits of having this muscle strengthened are just amazing… to say the least!

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C.) Stretching Exercises – Stretching exercises are designed to naturally stretch the ligaments of your penis to add length… permanently. Unlike extender tools, using your hands and performing gentle stretching exercises will naturally extend your penis… permanently.

D.) Wet Milking – This is a type of jelqing exercise designed to increase girth and length through increasing blood flow into the penile shaft. These workouts are done using lubricant (hence WET milking).

E.) Dry Milking – The same principles as wet milking, but without lubricant.

F.) Warming Down – At the end of all workouts, doing a quick warming-down routine is highly recommended to ensure proper growth and no soreness.

Now, The Exercise Program Should Include The Following 31 Exercises…

1. Intro workout – This is to get you and your manhood used to doing these exercises during the first week.

2. Beginners workout – In week 2, you should be beginning the Beginners Workout. This workout will consist of PC muscle exercises, stretching exercises, and jelqing exercises.

3. Standard workout – In weeks 3-6, you should be doing the Standard Workout. With this workout, you’ll be doing the usual routines, but with longer time periods and with more reps. By this point, you should be seeing a significant difference in the size of your manhood!

4. Custom workout – In week 7, you should have pretty much mastered all of the basic workouts, and you are now able to create your own custom workout. Or, you can choose to do a workout designed by another member of the penis exercise program you’ve chosen.

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5. Speed combination – This workout is designed to be done in 8 minutes.

6. Advanced PC muscle exercise – This exercise takes the basic PC muscle exercise and extends it. Of course this means faster development!

Targeted Workout section

7. Erection strengthening – If you are having problems with erectile dysfunction, then the routines in this section will help with strengthening your erection.

8. Impotence cure – These workouts will help cure impotence.

9. Premature ejaculation – If you are ejaculating too early, then the exercises in this category of workouts will put an end to this embarrassing issue.

Targeted exercises (Advanced)

10. Head exercises – To get that large mushroom head on your penis, these exercises are designed to do just that.

11. Cure curvature – If you have a banana shape curve to your penis when erected, these exercises will help cure this problem and get your erection straighter.

12. The super dry jelq workout – This is an advanced version of the normal dry jelq exercise.

13. The super wet jelq – This is an advanced version of the normal wet dry jelq exercise.

14. Erection builder – This workout routine helps strengthen your erections and helps maintain how long you are erected.

15. Advanced length exercise – This exercise is ONLY for those who have been on the program for at least 6 weeks. The workout is designed to stretch your penis and add some serious length!

16. Foreskin restoration – Workouts designed to increase the sensitivity of foreskin for more sexual pleasure.

17. Towel hanging – This helps strengthen your PC muscle.

Special Advanced Exercises Part 1

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The following exercises are only for those who have been on the program for some time and have mastered all of the above workouts. This is basically grad school for penis exercise training!

18. 180 degree stretches – Get’s rid of that unsightly twist with the penis when in a flaccid state.

19. Crook tugs – Designed to stretch the different areas of your penis shaft to increase the flaccid size and erection length.

20. Section stretching – These workouts stimulate the different areas of the penile shaft.

21. Gap jelqs – This helps speed up blood flow into the penile shaft.

22. Slap ‘n squeeze exercise – As weird as that sounds, this workout helps with increasing length.

23. Fist 2 finger – Another strange-sounding workout! This exercise is an advanced version of jelqing.

24. Vulcan jelqs – This is an awesome advanced alternative workout to the standard wet jelqing exercise.

25. Mastur-milking – This fun exercise combines both masturbating and milk jelqing into one.

26. Pogos – This workout is a mult-directional dry jelqing exercise.

27. Shaft wringing – A stretching exercise to add length.

28. PC dry jelq combos – A great advanced workout for increasing girth.

Special Advanced Exercises Part 2

29. Advanced length workout.

30. Advanced girth workout.

31. 6 minute exercise – This is a compact version of the best workouts designed to be done in 6 minutes.

So, there you have it. 31 exercises that must be included in a reputable penis exercise program (such as the one I chose to download) if you desire to add 1-4 inches to your penis size, increase the thickness, increase firmness, last longer in bed, have mind-blowing orgasms, improve prostate health, and gain these PERMANENT benefits without side-effects. If you stay consistent with the program you choose, I can assure you, you WILL see amazing results develop.