4 Important Facts about Lash Extension Adhesive


When it comes to eyelash extensions, not only the extensions but also the adhesive used to apply them to your lashes is important.

 If the adhesive, more commonly known as glue, is not correct, it can result in various problems like eye infections, allergies and poor retention.

1. Main Component in the Adhesive

Cyanoacrylate is the main component and base compound in most extension adhesives on the market today.

It was discovered by accident in 1951. Today many different objects are added during the production of the adhesive to change its thickness, fumes and holding power.

When cyanoacrylate adhesive (CA) comes in contact with moisture, its vibrating molecules start slowing down and forming polymer chains.

These chains are very powerful and hard to break once cured. This is the reason why lash extensions stay attached to the natural lashes for weeks.

2. Formaldehyde

Several clients as well as lash artists are concerned about the inclusion of formaldehyde in CA.

This compound is used during the manufacture of all CA; the gas scatters during the production and cannot be traced in the final product.

Formaldehyde is produced as a natural byproduct of the curing process and is dispersed as a gas. Its amount is not even close to concerning levels.

Therefore this compound should not be the reason to stop you from getting lash extensions.

Technicians should have ventilation system in place that can filter out VOCs from the air and should wear proper protection such as masks.

While inquiring about expert eyelash extensions near me, you should also ask about the glue they use and check their knowledge.

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3. Medical Grade

Medical Grade is a term used very loosely since there are no formal standards or regulations that make something “medical grade”.

All CAs are made under very stringent conditions as the production process is so complicated.

The CA used to close wounds is a type of CA named N-butyl Cyanoacrylate. This is a weaker form of CA that can be directly applied to the skin.

Other forms are Ethyl Cyanoacrylate and Methyl Cyanoacrylate. You’ll find these most commonly in lash adhesives.

However, remember that just because a product has mentioned “medical grade” on it doesn’t mean that it’s topnotch or guarantees that it won’t cause any reaction.

4. Other Alternatives

Sensitive Glues

It’s commonly believed that if there is any bad reaction to lash extensions, the glue used was too strong. Thus if you have such a reaction, you may ask for a sensitive adhesive for your next appointment.

However, you may have a reaction even with a sensitive adhesive. So, you should understand why reactions happen.

Clear Adhesive

Clear glues still have a cyanoacrylate base, but are not added the carbon black that offers a rich dark black finish to the lash line you want to achieve.

But you may be sensitive to carbon; so, make sure your artist offers black as well as clear adhesive while getting the best volume eyelash extensions in Sydney, for example.

Latex-free Adhesive

A few glues do have a rubberised additive to make it oil-proof and increase flexibility. You should check if you are sensitive to latex and check if the artist uses a rubberised adhesive.

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While inquiring about lash extensions, don’t forget to inquire about their adhesives too, so as to have a great experience with your lash extensions.